Kamen Rider Kabuto revolves around the story of a man named Tendou Souji. He has trained seven years while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while at the same time meeting other Riders with mysterious origins, Tendou attempts to accomplish his goal at all costs: protecting the girl Hiyori and destroying all Worms that otherwise threaten humanity. Making a friend in Kagami Arata, who later becomes Kamen Rider Gatack, the two work together and protect Hiyori along with humanity from the alien Worms that arrived from a meteorite seven years ago.
Audio: Japan
Subtitle: English
File Type: AVI
Size" @230MB
In 1999, an enormous meteor crashed onto Earth carrying extraterrestrial creatures known as Worm within it. These creatures took on the identities of real humans and then killed them. In order to counter this new threat, ZECT was formed, who in turn created the Masked Rider System to combat the Worms. The battles lasts over seven years, depleting Earth's resources and turning it into a barren wasteland. By present time, power struggles in ZECT have caused a new group, known as Neo-ZECT, to be created by Hidenori Oda. Daisuke Kazama and Shura Hokuto are also part of Neo-ZECT.
Kamen Rider Kabuto The Movie: God Speed Love
Hardsubbed English by TVNIHON
DVD Version
Director Cut Version