the twelfth series in the Heisei period run of the Kamen Rider Series, and the twenty-first overall. It began airing on September 5, 2010, the week following the conclusion of Kamen Rider W, joining Tensou Sentai Goseiger in the Super Hero Time lineup. The series' titular Kamen Rider made a cameo appearance in the film Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate. The catchphrase for the series is "I'll transform!!!" (俺が変身する!!! Ore ga henshin suru!!!).
Episode Download
Quality: HQ TVRIP
Subtitle: English (TVNIHON,Overtime)
Size per File:233MB(SD), 350MB(HD)
note: big thanks to Momotaros for the RAW
Over-time&TVNihon for the subbed version