by jbjbjbjbjbjbj
18 wheels of steel haulin is in my opinion the very best
trucking game it has graphics, it is highly realistic with brands you
see today and it has some of the best trucks ever made. thats why i give
this game 5 stars
by roger musser (bethel,pa usa)
the best trucking game ive played very real i drive trucks on my
uncles farm and this simulates a truck and the laws in every way i love
it and great gaphics too
by Fonny (Iroquois Falls, ON Canada)
This is a great game it shows how it actually works when you are
driving a big rig! you have to follow the rues of the road and also get
your load in on time to make as much money as possible. If you do
these things odds are you will do fine.Also the graphics are really good
so it actually looks real when you play the game to me this is the
perfect simulation game without actually being in the truck itsefl and
by kenneth robinson (griggsville il)
iv been around trucks all my life and have played a lot of games
but this game here will make ya late for work trying to deliver that
by John david (Hyderabad)
When we play this game our mind skills can be sharpened and we can know about the main concept
by Dakota Barton (USA, Indiana)
i played 18 wos haulin and it was the best game i have ever played in my life
after i played the trial it was so good that i went to the store and boght the game with the money i was saving for gas
by Levi
This is the GREATEST game that I have ever played. I love
trucking. The games people make these days are awsome. I hope I get to
be a trucker in the future.
by labarion (Stillwater,OK USA)
this game tops all of the games in the world the driving
experience puts you right behind the wheel of the trucks. it feels as if
you are actually driving a big rig.. i love this game i play it
everyday.. jus the feeling of one of these rigs makes you wanna drive
them in real life.. its a dream filling goal to play this game..
by shane (usa)
best game in the world i just tryed the trail for ten minutes
and im hooked im ordering the full version now cant what tell i get it
by Victor (Oosterhout,Netherlands,Europe)
Is it me or is it almost the same as Across America? But
still,AA was a great game: it was realistic,it had fine controls AND it
had much trailers. What more do you want? Well,maybe that the trucks
will go a bit faster. If you want to go across whole America (haha,how
ironicly) it takes 1 or 2 real life hours. Also,almost all your jobs are
this distance so it isnt a real ‘‘Im bored,im gonna play this for 10
minutes’’ game. I think its not worth to buy it,becuase it is almost the
same as AA,but it costs more
See all 22 player reviews...